Did Richard know...?

That he was Paddy's father? I know that they had a sense to care for him, but since everyone says that in that time period, and in the book, that the kids were seriously sheltered, do you think that he knew that the child shared his genetic makeup. or maybe thought that Em just had a baby because she was a woman?


Richard probably thought of a father as the man married to the child's mother. Thus, he is Paddy's father.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


Yeah, he knew he had something to do with it, whether he knew exactly what or not...

Most recent first view:
God Bless America - 7.5/10



I understand there was no one else around to talk to them about sex and pregnancy but they should at least know what a mother and a father is. Like you said they were about 8 years old when they arrived on the island and most kids that age know that babies need parents to take care of them.


I wondered the same thing. I know that he knew that babies have fathers and that he was suppose to be a father to that baby but I don't know if he understood that something that he did helped to create the baby or that the baby shared his blood.

I woke up this way...


At some point, Richard finds the slot B that his peg A fits into (hope this isn't deleted, trying to be generic..).

Later, Richard sees baby Paddy comes out of slot B. They haven't had any instruction, but humans do have instincts. If they had not figured out where children come from by then, it was demonstrated quite vividly. Now the question of where people come from is answered. I can't see how they wouldn't have put two and two together.
