American Gigolo prequel idea
Hello guys,
this is Carlo, my first time on this forum. I was watching, for the third time I think, "American Gigolo". I was wondering if someone has ever considered writing a prequel to this movie. The relationship between the gay pimp, Leon, and his former "protegè", Julian, could really be explored and deepened. It would be interesting to know how Julian got himself into the prostitution world and how Leon helped him in rising in this business.
It seems to me that the character of Leon is quite interesting in order to explore the underground gay culture that we can see at the Probe club. Moreover, this prequel could be the ideal context to show how these young gigolos are caught and exploited by these human traffickers. Considering also the kind of rough tricks that Leon assigns to his male prostitutes, in the script there could be also a murder committed by Julian in the prequel. This prequel should show the perversions of the high society class that hires these men. What do you think about it? Thanks.