[spoiler]Confused by the last scene?
When he is sitting there in prison, who did the killing? Was it Lauren Hutton's character?
"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution." share
When he is sitting there in prison, who did the killing? Was it Lauren Hutton's character?
I don't think so. She asked him gently, "Why did you do it?" First, he looks angry,as if he can't believe she has so little trust in him.Then he gets this strange grin on his face, and says "Why did I take so long to come to you?" I took that to mean that since there was no judgmental tone in her question, that hebfeels he has found his soul mate who can live with the person he truly is - a murderer. I was shocked, but I think that was the meaning.
shareSHE doesn't ask him "why did you do it?" He asks HER. She went to the cops and gave him an alibi. She has the reputation to be believable, and the money to get a better attorney for him. Julian already was told by Leon that a young gigolo had killed the rich lady and framed Julian because "he was framable," and Michelle wants to help him get out of a crime he didn't commit. That is one of the big quotes of the movie. Julian asks Michelle at the end why she did it, and she tells him, "I had no choice. I love you." And he replys, "My God, Michelle. It has taken me so long to come to you." He finally found what he couldn't find in money, expensive cards, and fancy clothes. He found love from someone that would give up everything for him.
shareThank you!
My problem was, there was some sort of skip in my DVR, so that, at the moment that "Why did you do it?" was said, there was a small blip and black screen, and then Lauren was shown speaking, and the voice even sounded female, so I thought she was asking him that. When I saw your post, I taped the movie on a different date, and that's when I saw that he had asked her the question - about why she said she was with him and gave up everything for him, as you said.
Frankly, I liked the ending I thought I saw better, LOL.