Funniest Moments

Pleeeeeeeeeeease Julie, don't let me fall!!!!

LOL I love how Gere grabs one boot and expects to be able to hold onto Leon that way? That was sheer comedy. And the look on Gere's face when Leon goes SPLAT, priceless.

What about when Lauren Hutton says "I love *beep* you, I always love *beep* you" LOL Who wrote that cheesy dialogue???

Other fave funny scenes?



I'm not sure I agree with the OP. I didn't think this film was at all funny, except for the part when Julian collars the guy following him and spies the picture of his girlfriend in his wallet: 'Not bad, eyes a bit close together'.

That was funny, but that's about it. The film was, deliberately so, very dark.


It wasn't funny haha. It was funny ludicrous. For exp. when Julian is in the Italian place near the end and he's explaining to Anne/Nia VP that he's about to be indicted for murder and he's got to have an alibi, she get's on him for standing up a date from Stockholm. Nuts.



The most bizarre/funny scene was of Julian tearing his own apartment apart searching for what he feared the blond kid had planted there. Now, who, in that situation, would go from bookshelf to cabinet to drawer to wall-hanging to table-top vase, literally trashing everything within reach, like a bad police-search scene, instead of searching systematically, taking care to keep his valuable possessions intact?


I presume that he was in a panic, and not thinking properly. He may be the protagonist in the movie, but perhaps he doesn't have enough discipline to control his emotions. Besides, who knows? The cops might barge in on him at any minute after an "anonymous tip" from Leon or Rheimann.

But from a critic's point of view, in that scene he is destroying his old life and everything that was attached to it. He's realizing that his life has been hollow and emotionally empty, and all of his "things" are not going to save him.
