American Gigolo/Psycho?

Brett Easton Ellis must surely have used Julian as a basis in some way for Patrick Bateman check out the scene where he is dancing in his apartment to cruddy 80's music while paying particular attention to sorting his wardrobe on the bed?



The obsession with material objects, high-class lifestyle, being excessively fit...




but they are nothing alike


There are a few parallels between the films and the characters — the obsessive working out, the lifestyles in general,...and the million-dollar listings they lived in.

In general, I think that apartments in 70s movies looked "lived-in," with lots of extra junk lying all over the place. In this movie the apartments were almost like photo spreads from Architectural Digest.

That was the whole "yuppie" aesthetic: people want to look at big, spacious apartments on the screen (rather than small, cramped apartments like the ones they might happen to live in).
