I just read that...
... Lord Kitchener admitted in later years that he did issue the order to shoot Boer prisoners caught wearing Khaki. Anybody know any more about this?
share... Lord Kitchener admitted in later years that he did issue the order to shoot Boer prisoners caught wearing Khaki. Anybody know any more about this?
shareEnemy combatants found wearing british unifroms were (according to the manual of military law) traditionally to be summarily executed as spies. Kitchener saw to it that the British soldiers in south africa were `reminded' of this fact... though the definition of `in uniform' was blurred to cover any piece of british kit.
Morant claimed Visser was executed when he was found wearing Hunt's tunic (on the orders from Kitchener and the manual)... it was a cop out at best and a lie at worst (Morant of actually wearing Hunt's tunic at the time).