Why was this in the film

When Morant is telling war stories a soldier says something like, "He's a big enough bore, isn't he?" Was this just showing that Morant was not universally liked? Is it some word play on bore/Boer? Please help me out here.


It was just a play on words for comic relief, bore vs boer


Also "bore" as in "boring" and "bore" as in the bore of a rifle, i suspect.


I didn't think it was a play on words. The character who said it became a witness for the prosecution. I think the line and scene were to indicate that he had a dislike for Morant and was biased as a witness.

Yes, we have noble llamas.


Did you not understand that they were fighting the Boers?

The full comment was something like... "He could be on the other side. He's a big enough bore/Boer."


No need to be nasty, I was just wondering what the INTENT of the guy that said it was.
