Difference between Morant etc and Nazi soldiers?
Morant and his unit, it could be argued, were little different from Nazi soldiers on the Eastern Front. They murdered prisoners, burned farms/ villages etc in response to the actions of partisans (or 'terrorists'). Even when they sent them on as POW's they ended up in concentration camps where thousands died of starvation. The parallels between the Boers and Soviet partisans (both fighting invaders from their homes, blowing up trains, not taking prisoners themselves) are remarkable. The response is also similar - during the 2nd Boer War the British took to strapping Boer civilians, including women and children, to the front of trains to protect the trains from partisan ("terrorist") attack. These were desperate measures, that also worked.
To me this film illustrates that soldiers of all nations when put under intense pressure and in constant fear for their lives will do anything that it takes to subdue the enemy. The longer the war goes on the worse it gets, the more de-humanised the enemy becomes. I'm not saying that a 'clean war' is possible, rather that all wars end up dirty. The best thing you can do is try to avoid war in the first place, and if that fails then God help everyone.