The editing was the greatest! -- Spoilers!
More than any other film I've seen, this movie called my attention to what editing can do.
Perhaps the finest edit was Handcock at his sentencing. After Witton and then Morant were sentenced, I expected to see the same scene play out with Handcock. But all we see is an about face and exit. What an impact! The information I expected to receive in maybe 10 or 15 seconds was injected into my brain virtually instantaneously. Wow!
I noticed that in my first viewing. In my many subsequent viewings I've picked up on many more cuts and other edits that keep the pace incredibly fast. Also loved the courtroom scene where the people were dissolved/faded from the picture.
There was no fat in this picture. Maybe the closest I've seen to a perfect film.
"I choose to think there is no free will..."