MovieChat Forums > Bosom Buddies (1980) Discussion > Highly unlikely this show would be produ...

Highly unlikely this show would be produced today

The premise simply would not fly in today's climate


have to agree. Residence Hotels are now run by large corporations--and it's really unlikely they would segregate by gender. That was done to 'cash in' on all the 'male only clubs' women were entering in the 1960's and 70's.

Somebody thought it would be funny for two men needing a 'good' place to stay to have to become women....which also was as willing as Hollywood was then willing to get with gender identity. The guys only did it for housing sakes vs performing and/or because it was their gender identity. They did not file a discrimination suit against the hotel (named after a women's rights leader) for some reason either

I'm assuming that a remake would have the guys filing a suit.....and while it plays out, they experience life in the hotel on a provisional basis.


That's not even a question


And Tom Hanks would be leading the charge to keep it from being made.


Fair. If it ever was remade, it would be them trying to "pass" as seniors.
