'This is what we fought all night to get back to?'
I been watching the scene a lot lately where the Warriors finally make it back to Coney Inland and step off the subway. After Swan gives Marcy the prom corsage, he looks around at Coney Inland and dawn muttering those lines. I been stuck on that for some reason a lot and for some odd reason I been equating it to our returning military personnel. I cannot help but think some feel that way. They fought so long and so hard to get back home and for what? A country in utter chaos with bozos at the helm and people becoming bigger a-holes by the day. I actually played it for a friend of mine who did a few tours overseas and he broke down crying saying that he is exactly how he felt. That he cannot even recognize the country anymore and to him (not his life or family or even town) the country looks as bad and rundown as Coney Inland circa 1979. He even admitted that if it wasn't for his wife and children, he be like Swan. He just take off for a different country.
I wonder if other veterans or people in general feel that way? I know I feel like my years working for the government where a total waste considering how crappy things got after I left. I sacrifice several years of my life putting my country ahead of many things and for what? Our government is a total crapfest which only seems to get worse.