MovieChat Forums > Zombi 2 (1980) Discussion > Which Is The BEST UK DVD Uncut Version?

Which Is The BEST UK DVD Uncut Version?

Which is the best UK uncut version on DVD, if there is such a thing available? I have heard that Arrow are due to release one in the UK. Is this true?



The Arrow will be the best UK DVD edition available when it's released.If you have a Blu-ray player I'd suggest getting Arrow's BD set, as the PQ is supposedly slightly better than Blue Underground's US BD edition.I'm really looking forward to seeing Zombie Flesh-Eaters in hi-def as it's an old favourite of mine.I already have three other versions of the film on DVD: the Shriek Show set, Blue Underground's single DVD release and the Dutch Shock DVD with the uncut film and soundtrack included.


I have just bought the Zombie Flesheaters 4-DVD boxed set from HMV. Hope there aren't too many cuts!



I wouldn't buy it in the UK the censor bastards ruin everything. This isn't the *beep* Mary Whitehouse days of old anymore. It's time these pussies get their narrow minded antics out of the past and into the damn present!. I bought a boxset (dutch import - region 2) from Amazon. It had ZFE, City of the Living Dead, Zombie Holocaust, The Beyond. ALL UNCUT. You'd never get such a boxset on sale in the UK uncut. The BBFC (British Board of Fascist *beep*) wouldn't allow it. If they did it would have happened by now!.

"To this end my fate is bound. Though I'm doomed. I'll stand my ground"


What? THE BEYOND, CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD and ZOMBI HOLOCAUST have been available uncut in the UK for years. The only reason they've never been in a box together is because they're owned by different distributors. The BBFC are no longer as scissor happy as they used to be.

Going back to ZFE, the upcoming Arrow release will be the one to get. And yes, it is completely uncut.


You're quite right, all those films (The Beyond, City of the Living Dead, etc) have been available fully uncut in the UK for years.I think the other poster needs to do a little research before writing stuff that's not correct.Arrow's DVD edition of Zombie Flesh-Eaters is the strong uncut version, with eyeball violence and zombie gore-feast intact!


I've met the head of the BBFC (He came to my school to do a media presentation on censorship) and he said that a majority of the films on the DDP Banned list are actually off and uncut and ready for or already are in circulation. They're not crazy on cutting films and only cut films when the the message of the violence is 'Doing bad things to people is okay cause there are no consequences' or real life cruelty/slaying of animals without purpose (ie. killing animals for fun, not for eating them).


I checked bbfc find the uncut print,arrow is uncut 2012 at 87.31 (video is missing 6 + seconds as the boat comes into NY though)not a bbfc edit, and the Anchor Bay is also uncut 2005 with a note (All previous cuts waived) and that one is 91.27 and thats video not cinema,2005 they passed the original uncut print from 70s all previous prints have come from the cut cinema print that was cut for cinema and cut again so thats original cinema cuts + additional video cuts
yeah some of the films on the list are even uncut 15 cert and some just haven't been re released because they don't have a distributor in this country, admittedly some films will never be uncut such as spit on your grave or canabal ferox but you can apply the same thing to 1930s tarzan films as some were cut for animal cruelty and even though we didnt know much better back then they will never be uncut (my argument to that is how are we meant to learn from the past if we erase it)

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die
