1) If Tom Horn was hanged, how could he manage to write a memoir of his life? 2) Was the suggestion that the Association, as a way of getting rid on Horn after his work was done, framed him for the death of a 15-year-old boy? If so this is absurd as they could just have told him he wasn't hired anymore! 3) After that ingenious way of escaping the prison, why did he run away from the town like a fool when he could at least have stolen a horse?
2) It does seem pretty absurd. Some say Horn was guilty, some maintain that he was framed. There's no evidence to suggest the Association killed Willie Nickell (not Jimmy Nolt like in the film) so that they could frame Horn. In all likelihood, Horn shot Willie Nickell thinking it was his father. Willie was big for his age, and was wearing his father's coat when he died, so at that range it's not an unbelievable mistake. This still leaves the question as to why Horn would place rocks under the kid's head like he had done to his other victims. So it still remains a mystery.
3) Horn tried to escape from jail in real life, but somewhat differently. Both cells in that jail were simultaneously opened by a lever, which was a pretty poor design idea as you will soon see. Anyway, Horn and a pal who was staying in the cell next to his devised a plan. Horn's pal would play sick, the guard would go take care of him, and Horn would escape and beat the guard once the cells were opened. All went according to plan, and Horn made it downstairs and broke into a safe that held a German automatic pistol. Unfortunately, Horn was not accustomed to guns with safety locks, so when lawmen opened fire on him he couldn't fight back. Had he known about the safety lock on the pistol there likely would have been a massacre. Horn was grazed on the head and put back in jail. As for the film, he probably didn't want to run through town looking for a horse to steal, although his escape idea was pretty lame.
1) He wrote it while in jail... he was in jail for quite some time before he was hanged.
2) The Nickells were in a long and violent feud with another family. Many account say that this other family killed the Nikell boy. The school teacher who liked Tom Horn told authorities that one of these boys admitted to the killings, but such information was not followed up on.
3) Horn was very familiar with Guns... he was freinds with many of the people in town including the sheriff and deputies, so he didn't want to kill anyone. As far as the movie goes, he probably didn't want to bring anymore attention to himself by stealing a horse, he was hoping to disappear into the hills. Unfortunatley, one of the unconscious men he knocked out were discovered too soon, and he was caught. In hind sight, failed attempts always look stupid, and successful attempts always look genious.
"Horn was very familiar with Guns... he was freinds with many of the people in town including the sheriff and deputies, so he didn't want to kill anyone."
Of course he was, but the pistol was of very modern design, and Horn wasn't familiar with it. It's anyone's guess if Horn intended to kill anyone, but given his history, I don't doubt that in a life and death situation, he wouldn't think twice about killing a 'friend'. They certainly didn't worry about killing him...shooting him in the head as he escaped (of course, the bullet only skimmed him).