Adorable little film

I absolutely love this movie- McDowell is incredibly good in it, created a character completely different than what he had been and continues to be typecast as, and the way it was filmed/paired with the cheap but quirky "special effects"/ is really wonderful and enjoyable to watch. I hope others get to see it and that it maintains the little cult following it has.





I agree. This film is very charming and delightful throughout. Malcolm McDowell and Mary Steenburgen were simply terrific in the leads. The special effects were pretty hokey, but that's a minor and perfectly forgivable flaw in an otherwise great little movie.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


I agree! Comparing it to later CGI-enhanced stuff is completely unfair. The plot is excellent--- the acting is uniformly terrific and Nick Meyer, a first time director working on a limited budget without much studio support, did a great job. I love this!


I agree with the OP. This is an important film in McDowell's admittedly inconsistent canon. Far and away his best romantic role. And it's a lot of fun!




I saw it years ago, and liked it. I recently Netflixed and rewatched it, and forgot how utterly charming it is. Fun little movie, and never boring. :)


I agree. Saw Time After Time when it first came out and was totally captivated by the film. Well acted, very involving, and in particular I found the love story quite haunting.

Definitely wouldn't want to see it on a dark and scary night, though!


I totally agree! Shortly after my wife and I got married, her little sister used to come over a lot and watch movies with us (or, should I say "me", because ... my wife always fell asleep on the couch, beside me, 5 minutes into any movie)! So, while hunting for a good movie to watch, we stumbled on this "gem" one night ... and absolutely LOVED it! Now, about 30 years later, we still talk about it at family gatherings! It's one of the first movies mentioned when someone asks if anyone knows any "good" movies that they may not have seen. I also have to admit ... it's the ONLY role that I've ever liked Malcolm McDowell in! Yet, it made me a lifetime fan of Mary Steenburgen!

"I'm gonna hunt for U, I WILL find U, and I will KILL U"! L.Neeson - TAKEN


O Lucky Man!
Raging Moon
Royal Flash

Try those. He rarely plays good guys, but I loved him in these films as well. And I enjoyed his little cameo in Mary's movie, Cross Creek.
there will be snark


It's the first movie I saw Mary Steenburger in, and the same for David Warner and it made me fans for life of both of them. McDowell I already liked. This is my favorite sci-fi/time travel movie of all time.
