Time After Time musical!
Apparently, there's a Time After Time musical that premiered at the Pittsburgh Playhouse back in 2010!
I've read a review or two online (mainly pretty favorable) and watched this trailer:
The main difference is the setting update...no longer 1979 San Francisco, but present-day (2010, that is) New York! As you can see in that trailer, H.G. is perplexed by people "having conversations with their hands" (cell phones). I think the main reason for this, as I read in a review, was to have Amy point out the 9/11 memorial to H.G., who is saddened by such a terrible act but heartened by the endurance of the New Yorkers, their determination to rise up from it, and their capacity to band together in the rescue.
It also seems as if they're going back to the book, since apparently Stephenson mentions his sister in one of the songs (and I'll get into THAT little backstory in a thread on the book).
The music seems pretty good, with one or two perplexing elments. (I guess those ghostlike characters are a Greek chorus of the Ripper's past victims?) I must say, I liked that little pun Amy makes about "a chase in Manhattan." Fitting for a bank worker to say...
My question is, WHY are these promising musicals (this, Marcy Heisler's Ever After, Lucy Simon's Dr. Zhivago which premiered in Australia) flitting around other places and NOT MAKING BROADWAY?! (While, meanwhile, Broadway is clogged with one jukebox musical after another!)