Mayor Margolin?

Anyone notice that when Wells time-travels, he hears "news reports" of major world events, and when he goes through this (and I think also watching tv in the hotel room with Jack/John), one incident mentioned is "Mayor Margolin of Columbus was shot." I can't find any historical reference to this. Is it fabricated, or am I missing something? Is it a tongue-in-cheek thing, or furreal?

Also, continutiy: In the revolving restaurant scene, Wells is speaking with a forkful of (dripping) food (or ice cream). The next over-the-shoulder shot is aimed at Amy, but Wells' hand is raised but empty. Back and forth again, fork, no fork.

Over all, I enjoyed it, although some of it really came across like a TV episode! I don't think, however, that I'll ever consider this as fondly as I do the 1960 version of "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor. I saw it only on television,the first time as a kid, and I thought it was fantastic. Still do!


I think it would have been in poor taste to have footage from a real recent assassination, so I assumed this was just fictional. It was used to as one of many examples of the violence of "utopia." When Herbert is listening to Amy's clock radio, there is another reference to it, as there would have been. That was a nice extra touch.

Also, the film is pretty much exactly contemporary with when it was released. If they had used footage of a real assassination when they were filming, then it would have been months to a year in the past.

Sam Tomaino


The mention of "Mayor Margolin" may have been a fictional reference to Mayor George Moscone of San Francisco, who along with Supervisor Harvey Milk, were both assassinated on November 27, 1978.

I wonder if this filmed in SF at around that time.


I think you're spot-on Joey.
there will be snark


I wondered the very same thing as the OP. But I agree that it was likely inspired by the murder of the San Francisco officials. (I wonder if the original screenplay had included San Francisco officials but they only later changed that detail.)


I could swear that there is a later scene in which a different person with that same last name is mentioned. So I figured it must have been the name of the screenwriter's (or someone else in the film crew's) friend or relative, and they just used that name as an inside gag.
