Machine Location

I've seen this movie a few times & have wondered if the destination location contradicts the theory of time travel. From what I've heard, no matter where a time machine travels, it should always remain in the same physical place. This doesn't explain how Wells' machine leaves London & ends up in San Francisco. Shouldn't Stevenson (& later, he) have landed in London '79? This concept was shown in many other time travel movies such The Time Machine (new & old), Back to the Future, etc.


You're right! I noticed this, when I saw the film, during it's first run--back in '79.
In the original The Time Machine, Rod Taylor, after returning to his own time, wanted to go back to the future, but wanted to ensure that he'd emerge within the Morlocks' domain, moved his machine outside his house, thereby changing his destination location.
The machine travels temporally---but never geographically.

Carpe Noctem!


Ah but it did move geographically if you remember the ending. Alan Young's character of Filby notices the scratches on the floor from where Rod Taylor had to drag the machine back into the lab. The Morlocks had moved the machine into their stronghold and he had to travel back in time to his present before he could move it back again geographically. True it didn't move far but it did move. As for Well's machine it is the same machine at two different points in time. After he returns he plans to do something to render the machine inoperative and it is later found and moved to its present location so since it has been moved after his time the machine follows the track through time that it has already taken. I think the reason he didn't go back a week and stop Stevenson from taking the machine was that it would create a paradox. Since he hadn't done so and therefore didn't remember seeing himself (much less remember warning himself) he couldn't do so. And so the reason he could go into the future on that time/space track was that it had already happened that way. You wonder if the machine could in fact go backwards in time to be before it was built or not.


Yes, all he's doing is travelling in time, getting in the machine in 1893 and getting out of it wherever it is when he exits in 1979 and it was obviously moved by others after his death to the museum in SF.


It's timey wimey wibbly wobbly....
