Time After Time vs Back to the Future
Which movie do you prefer? I've been into Back to the Future for a long time, even though I like lots of stories that involve time travel. When I found out that Mary Steenburgen would be in the movie, in a similar but sort-of opposite role - then I knew I had to check out this movie. Of course, there's also the fact that HG Wells is the protagonist of the movie - and I've figured that after Jules Verne, he sure would be Doc Brown's favourite author.
I am halfway through with doing the TAT/BTTF crossover: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3819587/1/ - for those who are interested.
Of course, this movie does feature a different kind of time travel - where there appears to be a fixed timeline.
You see, in the beginning, all was well. There was harmony. There was balance.
~ Alex P Keaton