Ripper's nod to H.G . What could it mean? (spoilers)
At the end of the film where John Stevenson was about to steal the time machine again, H.G grabs the crystal that will send him time traveling forever. Before this happens, Stevenson looks at H.G. gives a nod of approval. Why you think he did that? Every time I watch the movie I wonder why he would act like he agreed to his eternal prison. I have come up with some theories
1. His killing women was some addiction that deep down the Ripper wanted to end
(another clue to this was the blonde prostitute who he visited with flowers and after he slit her throat he showed remorse on his face) Was the Ripper happy that he was at last free of his murderous obsession?
2. He was proud of his former friend. He developed a new respect for his long time chess opponent that check mated him at last. Its like life means nothing to the Ripper, its all about how the game is played
3. He felt he got the best revenge on H.G by forcing him to stoop to his level
(murder). This is a common theme in the Batman vs Joker comics. He felt he got the last laugh by making Herbert a killer.
4. The Ripper thought he can somehow comeback (which did happen in a book sequel). He has always escaped and felt this would be no execption. The nod could have been a promise to return
For fun why do you think Ripper/Stevenson gave a seemingly nod of approval before being sent to the time-travel void. Was it one of my theories or do you have a different one?
God's gift of Love
Romans 3:23,6:23,5:8,10:9