David Hasselhoff's opinion of the film
I worked on a music video back in 2010 with Hasselhoff in it (look up "Bad Girls Anouska" on youtube) and asked him about Starcrash on set. We traded some stories of how nice of a guy Luigi Cozzi is and how good his English was, plus that Joe Spinell was an under-appreciated actor. Then, at the end of one of the next few takes, he pointed at me and yelled to rest of the crew, "That guy has seen my worst movie!".
Our conversation was recorded by his reality show crew who were going to feature the behind-the-scenes of the music video on his show "The Hasselhoffs", but the show got canceled after only 2 episodes so it never aired. I'm sure there's some edit of the episode somewhere out there in the ether on some editor's old hard drive.
Incidentally the music video "won" the dubious award of one of the top-10 worst music videos of the year from Yahoo News.