MovieChat Forums > Starcrash (1979) Discussion > is this the movie i a mlooking for

is this the movie i a mlooking for

I am still trying to find a movie I saw when I was a kid. It had a scene where a man is given a choice to be confined in a beam of intense light. Or in a beam of loud high pitched noise. Then eventualy the floor slides open revealing a brownish pit (maybe a monster's mouth) that he falls into. Is this it?

"I'll bet you never smelled a real school bus before"


Good luck finding that picture. I know how it feeld to look forever for a movie you saw in your youth. But unfortunately the scene you describe is not in this movie.


That might be Barbarella? I think the pscychodelic pitt is called the matmas


I remember an episode of the original "Battlestar Galactica" series, where a captured pilot was put under a beam of light by the Cylons. It looked as if he was being tortured or something.
I remember that it was on a snow planet, and Apollo and some others went to rescue him. I think Brit Eckland was in that episode. I dont remember the pit/monster's mouth, though.
Is that any help?
