'Starcrash' in 'Star Wars Insider'!
"Starcrash" is mentioned in the latest UK "Star Wars Insider" (#70 July/August - UK version), albeit by it's alternate title of "The Adventures of Stella Star". It's on page 29 in a '30th anniversary of Star Wars' article called, "You said it, Chewie!".
It's only mentioned the once, but to be mentioned at all in a major publication after all these years is quite something. The paragraph reads as follows:
"Of course there were the films that simply took elements from Star Wars and tried to duplicate them in a bid to gain the same audience. Princesses needed rescuing from evil villains on a far more regular basis. Young farm-boys became heroes. Cute robots emulated Laurel and Hardy, or went mad in Saturn 3. Titles such as Laserblast, The Adventures of Stella Star, and Unidentified Flying Oddball abounded."
A teenie, tiny, weenie bit harsh, I thought. But there you go....