MovieChat Forums > Starcrash (1979) Discussion > Why was Caroline Munro dubbed?

Why was Caroline Munro dubbed?

I have read that Caroline Munro is dubbed in the English version. Why is this? I know foreign actors and actresses are routinely dubbed, but why would the producers dub a native speaker? It's obviously a technical question about how films are made...does anyone know the answer?

Many thanks,



ALL Itlaiian films were shot (MOS) without sound recording so EVERYTHING was dubbed, voices, sounds, etc., etc.
All actors spoke their lines in their own languages and looped in the recodings later.

The average movie had the actors dubbing their lines in their language: distributors of movies like Starcrash found a small audio studio and some actors to quickly and cheaply ad-lib everything in national language.

Bring british Caroline Munro into an american studio was simply too expensive.


I have an old movie preview magazine that explained they wanted a voice more American-sounding.


According to the commentary in the new DVD, it was simply a budget issue. They were re-recording the sound tracks in Los Angeles and couldn't afford the expense of flying Caroline Munro to L.A. from Europe. Marjoe Gortner and Hasselhoff were the only cast members to loop their own dialogue, as they were both U.S. based. Christopher Plummer's voice in the film was recorded in "synch sound" on the days his scenes were shot, because the director knew he had to get everything just right as Plummer would not be available for re-dubs.

It also sez that the American actress who dubbed all of Munro's dialogue was Candy Clark, who was married to Marjoe (Akton) Gortner at the time. Apparently the identity of Stella's American voice has been one of the great mysteries of the film for the past 30 years, but now it can be told!

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


I thought that was interesting about Candy Clark....although I can't for the life of me recognize her voice here. Any other film I've seen her in she always had a borderline southern accent....she evidently did a great job disguising it here.
The thing that absolutely amazed me from that commentary is that Joe Spinell WAS NOT was his own voice. In no way, shape or form does it remotely sound like him.


SURELY that was not Spinell's voice.


I'm pretty skeptical too about that being Spinell's voice, but the guy who produced the DVD/blu-ray and did the commentaries seems to be extremely knowledgable about all things I guess I'll take his word for it until I hear otherwise.

