MovieChat Forums > Starcrash (1979) Discussion > Starcrash vs Attack of the Clones

Starcrash vs Attack of the Clones

I just saw the awful 1979 Starcrash-where they rip off everything Star Wars including the lightsabers.
However, I can't not compare part of the plot from this awful film, with AOTC.

In Starcrash there is:

1) An evil Count that is building a secret weapon that will take over the galaxy.

2) The evil Count is a seccessionist and the galaxy is split in two.

Maybe I am thinking into this too much.


Yepp I also think AOTC is way better. why am i writing on this no one will ever look a it again maybe lol blah blha blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I remember seeing this in the theater with my brother. We were so happy when the robot with the southern accent was destroyed. Then, when he showed up repaired, EVERYONE in the theater (all ten of them) said collectively "Oooh Noooo!"

"How do I get back down?.......Ah, SH*T"-Steve McQueen; Towering Inferno


is there a StarCrash DVD somewhere WITHOUT stupid french language??? I gotta get that !!! ARGL BEST MOVIE EVER!!!


STARCRASH is much more funny than this "Attack Of The Clones"-StarWars-Wreckage.
Ok, it´s a rip-off, it´s a horrible rip-off. But that´s why it has so many fans...


It also has Caroline Munro, which was also something of a draw. (Although why they redubbed her voice with that of another actress is a mystery.)




Listen up Space Hillbillies,
Star Crash was a ripoff of Star Wars, but then Star Wars ripped off elements of Starcrash in its sequels.
Oh yeah, Stella would kick Leia's ass all week long.


Uhhhh.... Nobody ripped off starcrash, get real. It is a coincedence, thats all.
Relax make stupid noises


Starcrash is a ripoff that was ripeped off, thats all I'm saying.


A movie has to do something right for anyone to even consider ripping it off.

This movie did nothing right other than be unintentionally hilarious, the later star wars movies didn't rip it off. Those elements are so common in sci-fi, fantasy, and all genres in general that you can't point to any single source.


I'm in complete agreement with Stuntrocker on this. As a Star Wars fan who loves Star Wars rip offs almost as much as the Star Wars films themselves I've noted that time & again George Lucas did indeed rip off the rip offs. It's fiendishly brilliant in a way because who in their right mind would ever suspect that the man behind the most successful film series of all time would look to cheaply made knock offs of his films for inspiration? Yet that's precisely what he did & from Padme's white outfit in Episode 2 that was a complete rip off of Wilma Deering's in "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" to the already mentioned political count plot point & seeing as to how this came out 2 full years before "The Empire Strikes Back" I fully expect that the look of Boba Fett was very much inspired by the gun toting robot of this film. If it happened once it could be a coincidence, twice still possible to just be a coincidence but when over & over throughout the saga you see important looks, locales, costumes,scenes & ideas all in Star Wars rip offs that came out before the next film in the franchise repeated one of those things with a big budget then Lucas's penchant for writing procrastination seems to have given him the ultimate motive to rip off the rip offs. He needed fresh ideas & fresh ideas were found throughout the SW rip offs that unknowingly became part of the saga unbeknownst to many.

"Be nice until it's time to NOT be nice."



First of all the entire Star Wars series is the biggest piece of $h!T ever recorded in the history of cinema.

How can Starcrash be compared to Star Wars, its no contest Starcrash is way out of Star Wars league.

When you have such STAR POWER! like Starcrash does you can't compare these stars to the losers from Star Wars. David Hasslehoff has to be one the greastest Actor/musicians ever !!!!

Plus the special effects in Starcrash is way better than gay ass Star Wars series special effects combined. The plot and script is much well written than Star Wars.


Why the hell did George Lucas make the series all out of order. And Why did so many people go to see the last Star Wars movie when you knew what was going to happen.

Plus what the hell is up with that dumbass Gold robot that all he does is bitch and whine throughout the whole movie.

STAR CRASH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah! what's up with the gold robot? wish he would of gotten stuck in that garbage compressor. They probably would of revived him too though.


I saw this as part of a double-feature with the "Buck Rogers" movie (the Gil Gerard epic) when I was a kid. Starcrash made Buck Rogers look like "2001". Quite possibly the worst stink-bomb ever. Yes, I would even say that "The Chronicles of Riddick" is a masterpiece in comparison.


Given the choice between watching the two, I'd pick Starcrash 95% of the time.


Sadly, I'd have to agree. And Phantom menace and Revenge of the Sith too while I'm at it.

"Use the Force, Fluke!"


Actually, I'm thinking you're not thinking enough. Star Crash is 23 years before Attack of the Clones. You are not making any sense. Are you saying the awful Star Crash borrows from Star Wars (yes, that it certainly does and then some more to the gills) or from AOTC or vice versa?!?


What I personally think is:

( 1 ) A rip-off is a rip-off even if it IS twenty-three years late.

( 2 ) The term 'rip-off ' is mostly used either by confirmed cynics or disenchanted idealists.

( 3 ) If the Italians wished to pay tribute by borrowing ( or 'ripping-off ' ) from Mr. Lucas, then it would be quite proper for him to pay tribute to the tribute by gently tweaking them in return. ( It's so much more civilized and satisfying than a lawsuit. )

( 4 ) If indeed Mr. Lucas has in fact thus tweaked the Italian-made STARCRASH by borrowing ( or 'ripping-off ' ) the devices of an evil Count scheming to conquer a divided galaxy with an ultimate weapon, then it is reasonable to assume that he likewise tweaked the Japanese-made MESSAGE FROM SPACE ( 1978 ) five years later in RETURN OF THE JEDI, where the heroes destroy the evil battle station by flying through a twisting, turning tunnel inside the superstructure to knock out the main reactor.

And last, but by no means least:

( 5 ) It's all just a coincidence and we're all a bunch of complete bloody lunatics obsessing over a lot of dingo's kidneys.


Ever notice lucas ripped off everything that ripped him off from the 70“s and early 80“s


Lucas ripped off westerns, serials, pirate movies and samurai films to make Star Wars...

He ripped off Phillip K Dick in THX-1138.

I still think 'American Graffiti' is his most original and brilliant work (his personal 'Citizen Kane').


A light saber does not make it a rip off of Star Wars. Especially when it is a rip off of Barberella.

Think about it; a Stunningly beutiful woman (thats a hint right there since Hans Solo is the prettist person in the movie) who changes from one amazingly sexy an totally off the wall outfit for every scene. She is considered the best their is at what she does while demonstrating no real skills. She goes into different cultures points out what is wrong, starts a fight that she immediatly ducks out of an when it is all over an the bad guys an the people she is "trying to help" are ALL dead she casually walks over there mutilated bodies.

Thats Barberella!

Plus minor royal tries to over throw more powerfull royal, I think thats happened at some point. A war comes to a schreching halt when one side releases the most powerful weapon ever made, call me crazy but I think that happened in the real world at some time in the recent past.

An in a universe where no species is any faster or stronger (at least while on camera) than any other it ony makes sense to build droids to fight beings with the psychic ability to percieve the future as only droids would have the ability to move faster than the Jedi would predict.


its a star wars rip off

esp the light sabers

but other than that- I thought it was more copyign harryhausen than lucas

and the gollem robotos showed up in PHANTOM MENACE


I think it does indeed "borrow" the general storyline from Star Wars, but if you look closely there are far more references to older sci-fi/fantasy films: Planet of the Apes, Jason and the Argonauts, Zardoz, etc.

I recommend reading the foreword (by director Luigi Cozzi) to the "Curved Space" fanfic book, as well as his interview on the Shout! Factory DVD. They both provide good insight on how this film came to be.
