What I personally think is:
( 1 ) A rip-off is a rip-off even if it IS twenty-three years late.
( 2 ) The term 'rip-off ' is mostly used either by confirmed cynics or disenchanted idealists.
( 3 ) If the Italians wished to pay tribute by borrowing ( or 'ripping-off ' ) from Mr. Lucas, then it would be quite proper for him to pay tribute to the tribute by gently tweaking them in return. ( It's so much more civilized and satisfying than a lawsuit. )
( 4 ) If indeed Mr. Lucas has in fact thus tweaked the Italian-made STARCRASH by borrowing ( or 'ripping-off ' ) the devices of an evil Count scheming to conquer a divided galaxy with an ultimate weapon, then it is reasonable to assume that he likewise tweaked the Japanese-made MESSAGE FROM SPACE ( 1978 ) five years later in RETURN OF THE JEDI, where the heroes destroy the evil battle station by flying through a twisting, turning tunnel inside the superstructure to knock out the main reactor.
And last, but by no means least:
( 5 ) It's all just a coincidence and we're all a bunch of complete bloody lunatics obsessing over a lot of dingo's kidneys.