2001 - A Space Odyssey

Star Trek TMP is a great tribute to the stunning masterpiece by Stanley Kubrick.
I very clever and well done add to the Star Trek series.


I still love TMP. The effects, sets and costumes still look brilliant. For me it's the only film in the franchise that feels like a proper movie, not just a big budget tv movie.


And the uniforms in the later movies made it seem like they kept the ship too cold.


Probably budgetary cuts in Star Fleet.


Yeah, it has its weaknesses. But it's still an intriguing story, has an amazing soundtrack, and it's the only Trek movie that has a sense of awe about it.

Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...


Bob the Builder and Hadji walk into a bar...and?


Yeah it did borrow from 2001, also incredible pre cgi fx, like 2001. The d/c is where it is at.


Try to see this movie as an intelligent science fiction movie and NOT a Star Trek movie. Then it makes sense.


Also reminded me of the first season of Space 1999 in coloring. Yes I know Space was modeled after 2001.

I enjoy STTMP as well as most of the others, mostly for nostalgia now.


This was not a tribute to 2001. When James Cameron made Aliens the opening music was in 2001, and that was a deliberate tribute. Sorry, Charlie.


Try to see this movie as an intelligent science fiction movie and NOT a Star Trek movie. Then it makes sense.


Kojiro Vance? You mean the captain of the Kobayashi Maru?



Kojiro Vance? You mean the captain of the Kobayashi Maru?

Yep. That stupid Lt. Saavik failed to rescue me from the Klingons. Thank god they have wifi on Rura Penthe so I can log on to IMDB from time to time.


I've always thought that Star Trek TMP is more like Arthur C Clarke's "Rendezvous With Rama" than "2001". And it's not the only Trek film to borrow from that book.


I found Star Trek: TMP to be a thoroughly entertaining movie, while I found 2001: ASO to be dull as dishwater.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


This is a great example of a really good director, who simply didn't understand his material. Wise wanted to make his"2001" instead of making a logical extension of the TV show. Yes it has majesty which is good and needed, but the film lumbers under the weight of all these long drawn out "majestic moments" which are better served to be seen in tiny slices and not in huge chunks.
The script is also at fault for its lack of humour. The odd humoureous moments that are there, totally get lost and forgotten with the sloooooooooowwwwwww pace.
Slow pace can be a good thing in the hands of a director that knows how to use it, Sergio Leone and Kubrick mastered that technique while others, Mr. Wise, got lost in his own directing ego.
