MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Discussion > I've always liked and enjoyed this film.

I've always liked and enjoyed this film.

Yes, I have. I saw it several times in the theatres back in 1979, I liked it the first time I saw it, even in its "unfinished" form as it was at that time (though I did not learn about all that stuff until years after). It never seemed unfinished to me when I viewed it in the cinema on the huge screens.

The look and atmosphere and realism were, I would say, more powerful than the story, but the overall experience was sufficiently distracting to me. What a gorgeous-looking Star Trek film this is!

When the film was "fixed" and remastered by Robert Wise and his people later, for DVD, I saw that and I was much impressed by what they did to tighten and clarify and polish the film. So that version I am very happy with too.


So do I


I really like this film. It's beautifully shot. It feels cinematic and the science fiction imagery is sublime. TOS crew have never looked better.


I was bit disappointed with it - until watching it again this evening. It's nice to watch a brightly lit, miniature using, slightly old fashioned sci-fi film. Also, I must be looking at a digitally remastered print because it has very sharp images but that's OK, at least they've not digitised the aliens to make them more 'realistic'.
