The Okudas made a lot of mistakes in their Chronology and Encyclopedia. For example, placing Star Trek: TMP in 2271. Kirk's five-year mission ended in 2270, and 18 months have passed between that and the V'Ger crisis, so that would place TMP in 2273.
Just out of curiosity, what source are you going off of that says the mission ended in 2270? 18 months after 2270 would make it 2272 by that source.
The Haynes manual which was published in 2010 says the original Enterprise was launched in 2245 under Robert April and that Captain Kirk assumed command from Captain Pike in 2263. It then says Kirk's first five year mission went from 2264 - 2269 (which TOS covered 3 years of this mission) and it then was given the refit and 18 months later Admiral Kirk took command in TMP in 2271. Then it states Kirk's second five year mission was finished in 2277 and Spock took over command until the events of Trek II in 2285.
It states the Enterprise was destroyed over Genesis in 2285 during the events of Trek III, which means the Enterprise was actually 40 years old. The rechristening of the Yorktown occured during 2286 and it states the Enterprise-A completed its shakedown cruise in 2287 and retired in 2293.
I don't see anything wrong with that timeline. The manual has a listing of all 15 original Constitution-class vessels with their registry numbers and has a little asterisk by the Yorktown stating it was renamed the Enterprise-A which is actually pretty cool.