MovieChat Forums > The Rose (1979) Discussion > The ending (spoilers)

The ending (spoilers)

So did Rose give in to the tempatation of getting high in the phonebooth?
I only ask because she died on stage without explanation, and it's conceivable that she OD'd just like Janis did. So is that what she died of up on stage?




Yes. And to go into further detail, you have to sort of backtrack to all she took that day. She was drinking from the time she showed up to the concert and told off her manager. Then she went to the bar with Houston where she took some 'reds' with booze before singing "Love Me with a Feeling". THEN, she really hit it all when she shot up in the phone booth, plus took more pills with booze. I like to think that she knew it was the end when her manager was trying to get her up on the stage at the end and he said "After this, we're taking you to a hospital" and she kind of shakes her head as if to to say "I'm not gonna make it there".


I didn't know there was a question. I thought it was quite clear she took the drugs.
And thank you spencerwbrown, someone who finally pays attention.


Very true. Good point about when she shakes her head. I always wondered if she knew she was going to give her last performance.

Plus, she hadn't taken in awhile so I'm sure it was hard on her body because it had been some time.
