84mins, or 94 mins?

I bought this "Special edition" R1 ( http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005LC4U/102-8532638-7568951?v=glance ) years ago and one week ago i found that someone (probally me) had smashed the dvd into pieces. I quicly ordered a new one, and saw this recent release in R2 ( http://www.loaded247.com/s/R2_DVD/id/8609/title/Rock_N_Roll_High_School/ ) from England and saw I could have it within a few days. I got it yesterday and found that this version had written Running Time approx 94 minutes, and i notiched that my old cover of the R1 had written Time approx 84 minutes. As far as I know, the R2 should run a little faster, and should be shorter, so it made no sense. I watched it witht he audion commentairy, and I it doesen't seem like there is any extra scenes, but then again it is a couple of years ago I watched the film from the beginning to the end. Does anyone else know other diffrences between theese 2 releases?


PAL does run faster than NTSC when played back on NTSC equipment, but the listing on the region-1 Buena Vista DVD is a misprint—it is 94 minutes. Peace.

Everyday things happen every day.
