anyone notice

if there are any germs fans out there you might of noticed that theres apparently a guy in one of the opening concert scences with a germs armband on. anyone else notice that?


ummmmmmmmm dude ....not 2 be mean or anything,but um thats actually Darby Crash himself dude. I'm just saying this befor jerks tell you this in a mean way.


lol, yeah i later noticed that it was Darby himself :)


I was there, one of the extras. Yes, it was Darby Crash, you got that right.


the germs rocked.

just saw them live (minus darby) about 6 months ago with siuicidal tendencies in los angeles.


You meant "might have." There is no such thing as "might of." Please write this down on a sticky note and stick it to your computer monitor. Also, please tell everyone you know. Thanks!

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