Favorite Lines

"Things sure have changed since we got kicked outa high school!"



"Do your parents know you're Ramones?"


you beat me too it. that's the ULTIMATE line!!!

Miller: The life of a repo man is always intense



"No more pizza for you Joey, more wheat germ and riboflavin."



i can't verify the exactness of these.

Mr. McGree: "Who are the Ramonees?"


"No mice...oh, you've got earphones"

so many classic lines


Riff Randell, rock and roller.


This is probably not exact but another good one that is repeated throughout the whole movie is the thing the hall monitors typed:"Evelyn, I long to feel your lucious thighs..." It's something like that. I also agree, the pizza ones, The Ramonees, and "Do your parents know you're Ramones?" are awesome. One of my favorite parts is when Riff is backstage and the pizza is delivered and she takes a piece of it and puts it in the envelope with her music and says "I'll cherish this moment forever", and Dee Dee just stares at her like she's insane. Man, I love this movie. RAMONES FOREVER!!!!!!!!


OMG I LOVE the look Dee Dee gives her...classic!!!


I was watching this with Amber (6) and Alice (4). When Riff keeps the pizza and Dee Dee gives her that look, we all had a giggle/laff.


Principal: Who are you?
Riff: *Holds out hand* Riff Randell, Rock and roller.


"They're ugly. Ugly, ugly people."

"Hey! It's the Ramonesmobile!"

"Help! SENIORS!!"

"So you can stick it where the monkey puts the nuts."

and while not a quote, per se...the classic scream Van Patton does before he bites the receiver of the phone.



I just love it all.




Me too!!! Also:

Animal Vegetable or Mineral? Sexual.

And the part where he calls Riff and Eaglebauer has that cue card and a pointer...

"Yeah I'm sitting here in my brand new van..." The whole movie rocks!


My favorite lines were the same as the girls were in the gym was the same when Principal Togar tells the coach

"They're exercising"

and the gym teacher says

"Oh no they're doing calistenics" (don't know if my spelling is right)

and Principal Togar asks

"Where their books?" (best line ever)

and Mister McGee replies

"This is a gym class. Their exercising their bodies"

and Principal Togar replies

"What these girls need to do is exercise their MINDS!" and she storms off

and Mister McGee tells the gym teacher

"I told you she's CRAZY!!!"

and another part is when Riff and Kate goes to the concert speaking on the radio on part upon Vince Lombardi High that Riff says live

"Screw you Togar we made it"


"This is the big time, baby. This is Rock'N'Roll!"


Definatly the pizza line, "say hi to vince for us" and when the guy drops the cocaine "oh s***!" and "you guys sure do go all out for recess"


All two of Dee Dee's lines, "BODY SEARCH!", Tommy's "That was a good one, Mr. McGree," "I'm under S, for ... SCCCCCCREAMIN'!"



I like the line said by the nerd: -

"I'm allergic to violence!!! I break out in blood!"


hey! that was not tommy who said "that was a good one mr. mcgree."!!! that was marky. if you know anything about the ramones, you would know that!


Im not sure if I remember the exact line but...

"People may say your music is loud, and destructive, and lethal to mice..."

I always just found the mice thing histerical. And the face Dee Dee makes! priceless.


The lethal to mice thing is my favorite line, too!
