Character designs flaws....

This is what I dislike about how the Japanese animation team drew the look for Merry and Pippin. It's ridiculous.

What you see is not necessarily what you get,
Not trying is dying, keep trying unto death....


I agree Merry and Pippen looked dumb, but I like the idea of Hobbits having cutesy anime eyes, it really brings out the "easily mistaken for children" look Hobbits are supposed to have.

What about sam's big "podlings from The dark Crystal" nose???



Pippin looks so much like a skinny monkey.


I think that the majority of the character designs were created principally by Lester Abrams, who also adapted at least part of The Hobbit into comics form in the early 1970s for the magazine Children's Digest. He worked on The Hobbit, The Return of the King and The Last Unicorn.

Tsuguyuki Kubo is not credited for The Last Unicorn, which has many of the same design elements as the two, earlier films.

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