Best Song ever

"Where theres a whip, Theres a Way"

It is kind of catchy, and the only reason I occasionally watch this piece of crap movie.


so true, that was my favorite song when i used to watch it when i was little


It's got a nice Devo ring to it!

"When I get some money, I kiss it's green skin..."

The Swans


Delightful! I'm so glad I can now listen to this little ditty whenever I please...

(I believe it was at this musical number that my friend's mother came in and asked her, disapprovingly, "Are you still watching this toilet?")


DUDE!! i've heard that song somewhere online, my friends told me it was from this movie....problem is i cant find the url
any ideas?



Do you have the dvd? I'm sure you can pick it up for dirt cheap. It's probably fifteen dollars or less. It's worth every penny :)

"When I get some money, I kiss it's green skin..."

The Swans


i found a 30 second clip...but i...need...more


LMAO!!! That is hillarious to me. After seeing these movies as a child (at least 15 years ago) that song is the only well-defined memory i have of this whole set of films! Every time i think of Rankin/Bass films (including 'The Last Unicorn', which i have on tape) i get that song running through my head.





The Orc Whipper made that mistake because he stoleFrodo and the animators' Shire pipe weed,you couldn't tell a hobbit from an orc either if you had that stuff.Hell with drug tests he's lucky to even be in the army.

"Together,My Lord Sauron,we shall rule this Middle Earth"


It's futile to even begin asking such questions. You could also ask: why are Frodo, Sam and Gollum roaming about mount Doom for days? Couldn't they just have better timed the Alliance attack on the black gate? Why do the nazgul look like skeletor?
Why did anyone make such a film with serious intent?

the Art of Ignoring Reality


No, the best is "Frodo of the Nine Fingers"


All the songs in this movie are wonderful. That's why I love this movie.


Doesn't that hurt?

the Art of Ignoring Reality


"Where There's A Whip There's A Way" kicks the crap out of the other songs in the movie, especially "It's So Easy Not To Try".


Hey now, "It's So Easy Not To Try" is a great song! I'm being damned serious! It got me through my first year in college!



Ha! This kills me. I used to sing along with it when I was a kid. I watched this a couple weeks ago and figured out how to play the song on guitar...I was bored, okay?

~If I cut off your arms, and I cut off your legs, would you still love me, anyway?~



Only because it's a direct quote from the book!
..."All day, all day. all day!"


I have been dying laughing behind my desk at work about this thread. This song really does rock, my whole family used to sing it at the dinner table. (Well, ok not my mom but the kids and dad would launch into a rousing chorus of it). Frodo of the 9 Fingers is good, espically that part with a bunch of people singing in notes too low for their range, "where is the ring of doooooom".

what were the words of the higher part? i know it was "we dont wanna go to war today, but the lord of the lash [what comes next!?] we're gonna march all day all day all day". This was one reluctant army.


Since this thread is so old, here's a current link:


