Australian Accents?

The characters sounded more British than Australian, with the exception of Sybylla's father. I found this very odd.
I decided to check these boards to see if anyone else commented on this, and am surprised to find no one has.


In the context of the age in which the film is set, this is probably accurate. Consider that Australia did not obtain federation as the Commonwealth of Australia until 1/01/1901 and, for a few decades after that, Australians (or at least those who were British/of British descent - which was the overwhelming majority of the population at that time) still considered Britain to be their home land.


Thanks, for your informative answer.


Actually, to me, just having watched it again after 30 yeas, it sounded like they periodically lapsed into Irish accents. of course, I am sure a fair number of Irish were transported, so it would not be unreasonable.
