What? How can this be anyone's favorite movie? This was beyond disjointed and uneven.
Sybylla was a self centered and lazy young woman who decided to lie instead of tell people the truth about herself. Perhaps she did not understand herself at all.
yes, she said "I want a career." But she continued to lead people on and act absolutely ridiculous.
And I am getting sick of people saying a movie without a happy ending is brilliant.
This movie was boring. Sybylla should have been honest and said
"I want to live alone because I don't want the work of a husband, a home, and children. I want to lay around all day, writing and pretend I am talented."
That would have a been a refreshing non Hollywood ending. And it would have been the truth. And in that case NO ONE would have wooed her.
The only reason Sam Neill dated her was her grandmother had money.