Masonic-Types Turn Beet Red---Actually DeMolay
Hello All,
I've witnessed this film drive a couple of hardcore Masons into
near-apoplexy, when Plummer goes into the "secret/mumbo-jumbo/hand-jive" routine.
Apparently, the screen-writer did his homework well, and this bit hits mighty close-to-home. However, a renegade from the group tells me that---strictly speaking---these signals belong to the "junior auxilliary"---the DeMolay's.
A superb production, thanks to Plummer, James Mason, and---showing more acting skill than I'd thought her capable of---Genevieve Bujold. She's radiant, vulnerable, pitiful, stoic, and---Madonna-like (those of you with brains know which one I'm referring to.)
Historical Trivia: We should all be grateful to Arthur Conan Doyle for
giving us the original character of Holmes. Didya know? . . . Doyle was a
Doctor of Ophthalmology.
Gary In Arizona
"But the dog did nothing in the night-time."
"THAT was the curious incident!"