RVS is a "Boston Bombing is fake" conspiracy nut!
Check his posting history. Zero credibility!
You're 100% correct. Boston bombing was a completely fake event. And now we'll have 2 movies based on this massive lie. Anyone who says people got hurt there is either lying or a completely brainwashed idiot.
posted a month ago in Stronger (2017)
The Boston hoax was done to test Martial Law response from the public. This fake event was not really pulled to push any specific agenda as far as I know (although it did manage to demonize Muslims, again). It was a kind of test or drill to see what happens in a real situation such as this.
posted 2 months ago in Patriots Day (2016)
Ddey, are you really so stupid that you can't see the truth? Or were you hired to act like an ass and call people names?
posted 2 months ago in Patriots Day (2016)
Absolutely staged. All videos and interviews prove this. Follow the evidence and you will see actors, fake blood, scripted theatrical event.
posted 2 months ago in Patriots Day (2016)
Yes, Boston was a fake, staged terror event. No one was actually hurt. No, the whole city does not need to be in on it. Only those who are involved. Probably 150-250 people would know it was all fake. The rest were ushered out after the smoke bomb went off. This is not the first or last hoax pulled on us. There have been many more since Boston.
posted 2 months ago in Patriots Day (2016)
Yep, Boston was a hoax. Another in a long line of fake staged terror. No one died there, no one was hurt. This movie is a slap in the face to real patriots.
posted 2 months ago in Patriots Day (2016)