MovieChat Forums > Manhattan (1979) Discussion > Quite posibly the most boring film ever ...

Quite posibly the most boring film ever made...

I watched this film recently because it is on IMDB's top 250 list and I was bored out of my mind. It features a bunch of uptight yuppies bitching and moaning. Not funny at all. Seriously, point ONE FUNNY LINE from this movie. The "castrating zionist"? "My wife left me for a woman"? Absolutely pathetic....Just another film for uptight snobs to watch and feel good about themselves....


I wouldn't say THE most boring but have to agree in the main. Visually stunning, and Gershwin's great but on the whole hugely disappointing.


Funny you both complain about the BEST reviewed film ever- check out for proof.



I'm not sure that I agree with you about this film being for "uptight snobs to feel good about themselves" part. But, I do agree that it was one of the most boring, regrettable films I've ever seen. And, I have some really strong reasoning behind my disdain for this film. In fact, I feel so strongly about this film, that I plan to do a review explaining such, on it for IMDb, within the next day or so.

One has to wonder how such a bland film ever became known as a "classic" in comparison to other better films of the type! For example, Lily Tomlin and John Travolta did a movie in 1978, which was an equally understated, mellow sort of love-story, yet, a much simpler and friendlier one. And yet, somehow, it only gets about a 2-star rating on IMDb, with people calling it "the worst movie ever made." But, compared to "Manhattan" I'd say it's one of the best!

Anyway, if I had to complement the film one a thing or two, I would say the music was great, as was the cinematography. But, that's about it.

Crushing on 1970s-1980s Lily Tomlin. That smile! That figure! That voice! I'm in love!


Off the top of my head - "your so self rightous, you know we're just human beings. You think your god or something" Woodey allen replies "Well you've got to base you self on somebody"


The film is packed with loads of funny anicdotes and insightful humerous opinions. It's an intellingent script, if you not concentrating you can miss alot.


I watched this film recently because it is on IMDB's top 250 list and I was bored out of my mind. It features a bunch of uptight yuppies bitching and moaning. Not funny at all. Seriously, point ONE FUNNY LINE from this movie. The "castrating zionist"? "My wife left me for a woman"? Absolutely pathetic....Just another film for uptight snobs to watch and feel good about themselves....

These words coming from a poster who enthusiastically discusses the Miss Rap Supreme "reality" show.

"Thank God the French exist."


The difference between the two is that "Miss Rap Supreme" was entertaining. Nothing like ghetto chicks fighting and rapping simultaneously.


john 2008,
there is a whole thread devoted to the "funniest lines". I laugh just reading the lines while remembering their delivery in the movie.
I have watched this movie more than 15 times over the years. I am not a masochist, and i dont love being bored. Sorry you found it boring. You dont really say WHY you found it boring, other than to denigrate the people who dont. That's your right, I suppose. I'll tell you a few reasons why I love it, and view it again and again:
The visual compositions are beautiful. Just beautiful, all time great beautiful.
The music is wonderful, as is its use. See above.
There are many, many hilarious lines, as I stated.
The characters make so many choices that are bad, based on their flaws. Yet I find each character likeable and sad, poignant (except for Yale, he's pretty close to a villian.
The more you watch it, the more the dialogue defines the inner workings of the characters in ways even they are not aware of.
The acting is very naturalistic and smart.
I love the long single takes that allow scenes to develop naturally and organically. The pacing of each scene, the way each scene unfolds, is wonderful.
Conversely, there are several closeups and back and forth takes (especially between Isaac and Tracy) that are extra powerful because so much of the rest of the film is scenes of wide shot one takes.

This is my 3rd favorite movie ever. I love the look, the sound, the pacing, the acting, the humor, the poignancy, the depth of emotion, the intelligence, the foolishness, mistakes, the loss, the regret, the hope, and the acceptance. I love this movie every time I watch it.


Preach on, Stephan-128.

It's funny how subjective movies are. A ten-star top-250 movie can be a complete bore to someone else. Personally, I LOVED this movie. This movie made me want to be a filmmaker, be a comedian, move to New York, and date a...wait.

But, why watch a movie just because it's in the top 250? Lots of Critic's Choice movies aren't as entertaining as, say, Miss Rap Something or other. If it's a movie in dreary black-and-white with upper class characters you'd find dull and it's not your particular bag o' weed, why bother?

On the other hand, if you're able to enjoy a movie like this, from an era with a different sensibility and still appreciate the beauty and humor and poignancy of Manhattan, then power to you. This movie rocks.


Well said and very true regarding taste. it's been a very long time since I watched this one and I can't honestly remember what I thought of it but I would love to give it another try even if Woody Allen himself didn't like it.

How do the angels get to sleep when the Devil leaves his porch light on?


i agree! love this movie!


The film was near-perfect. Enjoyed every scene. The score. The setting. I now want to visit Manhattan in the 70s. Woody & Scorsese have managed to create such a lasting, ethereal impression of this cityscape in mind! The writing is Classic Woody Allen. Humor wasn't was not so laugh out loud but enjoyable enough.

But Fewer films are liked by everyone, so I can deal with the fact that some people did not enjoy this film as much as I did. It did not bore me for one bit.

I have zero respect for OP who decided to take insulting shots at people who may have genuinely enjoyed the film. Why would you do that? OP seemed nothing but soreness and immaturity with a username.


Anyone who would find MANHATTAN boring is boring themself. If you find this movie boring then go watch RAMBO for the 25th time.


Certainly The Dumbest Generation would hate this movie.


Certainly not boring—but I would say it is overrated. Many feel it is Allen's masterpiece. Looks and sounds fantastic though. Apparently—according to the IMDB trivia—Woody Allen himself doesn't even like it.


Apparently—according to the IMDB trivia—Woody Allen himself doesn't even like it.

True, but Allen thinks that Match Point is good, so clearly he is not the best judge of his own films.

"Reality is the new fiction they say, truth is truer these days, truth is man-made"


True, but Allen thinks that Match Point is good, so clearly he is not the best judge of his own films.

Agreed. However, Allen may be basing his choices on the actual creative process and his own personal gratification and enjoyment during the writing and filming.

I think 'Purple Rose Of Cairo' absolutely charming and touching and pleased he has placed this one amongst his favs and maybe even'Zelig' from a technical standpoint—not so sure about the others though. Need to see 'VCB'. Surprised he doesn't appear to rate his 70's period.


Definitely not the one to judge his own work, but what artist is? Most are their own worst critics.
Perhaps because he never watches them again once they are made?
To an earlier poster who said something like if it's not your cup of tea, why bother, i do think you have to bother because you don't know if you will like a movie until you see it.
I absolutely loved (for example) Forgiving the Franklins which has a very low rating here, If I had paid attention to it I would have missed a movie I loved. A couple of good sex scenes didn't hurt.
(one very sweet, one seriously twisted ---iow one for the girls, one for the boys!)


I believe that Annie Hall is Woody's undoubted masterpiece. Manhattan is good, but it's not Allen's funniest, most touching or his best mix of both.

"I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member."


LOL!!! well said!


Than you obviously have never seen "I heart Huckabees"


That's a little unfair. While I will admit that the film is overrated, the dialogue had flashes of absolute hilarity, and the comedic timing of the actors was great. Also, the film wasn't glamourizing snob culture and pseudo intellectualism, Allen was poking fun at it by making most of the characters narcissistic, unsympathetic jerks. However, like I said, it is an overrated film.


Agreed. Visually stunning, unbeliavably boring story. Very dissapointing film.


Let me offer a quick read defense, as I just saw the movie. It's about these uptight and self-absorbed, insecure and faithless yuppies trying to become happier through relationships. The problem is, they don't know what they want, they don't know how to fix themselves, they don't have any trust in themselves or each other. The high school student is the most mature person in the film, but ironically she has her whole life ahead of her. Will she become like they are or will she have a happier outcome? When the two main characters talk in a space museum, over replicas of the solar system, or when Isaac talks about how his friend betrayed him next to a skeleton, it's Allen's reminder that these seemingly insurmountable concerns and problems these humans are dealing with aren't really worth much compared to the bigness of the universe and the inevitability and finality of death. But instead of a satire of these people, or not only a satire of these people, the movie takes their problems seriously, saying that, yes, human beings have such problems that may seem stupid to others but are big to them. The final line is the kid's: You got to have more faith in people. Allen's character smiles condescendingly or uneasily. Is this just youthful naivety from a teenager who will soon learn that people are faithless, messed up and petty, as these characters are, or this is the statement of the movie, that to be truly an adult, you have to have faith in others, and in yourself, and not break it, and to have such an attitude lies real happiness?


I quite like your interpretation Mr Found (or may I call you J S?). Ultimately though, I don't know that the film necessarily takes the particular problems of its characters seriously so much as it takes the idea of having problems seriously. We need these problems, I think it says, because without them we have to face the more intractable ones. That smile at the end, interesting that you find it condescending or uneasy. Well perhaps uneasy is right, for me it hints at a realisation that having more faith in people is a more simple thing to do than Isaac probably thought throughout most of the film.

Reality is the new fiction they say, truth is truer these days, truth is man-made


JS is fine. I don't know if it's a realization on Isaac's part because his girlfriend just dumped him and returned to the married man who dumped her, so, I don't think he puts much stock in faith at that moment. He did have faith and it was betrayed. Now he's going seriously after a relationship he always dismissed as frivolous. Of course, she will go to London because she isn't the answer for him either. The movie starts with him literally revising his voice, with the different book beginnings; he can't settle for what he wants because he doesn't know what he wants. And maybe he did try to run his wife's lover over, but can't admit that to himself, so he doesn't really have the self-knowledge to be in any secure and lasting relationship. None of the main characters except for the teenager do.
