Speaking of original music...
It's important to keep in mind that not ALL movies/movie studios pull this kind of CRAP either. In fact, SOME (Universal, for example) have screwed up at first, only to CORRECT THEIR MISTAKES by the time the DVD came around.
Witness SLAP SHOT - the movie originally contained the classic Maxine Nightingale song "Right Back Where We Started From". When it came time for the VHS (AND the laser disc) release, the song was replaced with some generic sounding B.S. used earlier in the film.
BUT, the current TV - and thankfully current DVD - versions now retain the ORIGINALLY USED song. So my simple point is, sometimes it's done right the first time around, and some companies screw up and THEN later dislodge their heads from... well, you get the idea... making it right when all is said and done (DVD release, etc). The same can't be said (sadly) for Love At First Bite, ruining (on DVD) one of the coolest dance scenes I've ever seen put to film. :(