Similar movie?

I remember when Siskel & Ebert reviewed this movie, Ebert gave it a thumbs up but was a little down on it because it thought it was inappropriate to have a love story about two kids that were so young, barely teenagers. They showed a clip of the two kids watching TV in a dark room and the girl says to the boy "Kiss me, I'm yours" in a very hammy way and they go into a big kiss.

...or so I thought. Yesterday I finally re-watched this movie for the since circa 1982, and that scene never occurred. When they went to the movies and were sitting in a dark theater I thought "OK this is it, they weren't watching TV in that scene after all," but nope. So either I was thinking of a different movie for all these years, or it was edited out. Or I dozed off and didn't realize it. Posting this on the narrow chance that someone can tell me which of those is correct, thanks!


Such a scene was not in this movie. The only TV watching I recall was of the race in the beginning with Snow Queen winning.
