Stanley Kubrick

I thought I had read somewhere that this was one of Kubrick's favorite movies. Pretty odd given his body of work. But he did have a taste for the surreal. I know that Eraserhead was also one of his favorites. It's
not near as funny as The Jerk, though.


If it's true, it's understandable. Look for the "2001 A Space Odyssey"-quote (the flying pair of glasses). Kubrick was probably flattered.



Kubrick being a fan of this movie is so unreal. Kubrick had the weirdest taste in movies. The Godfather, Eraserhead and The Jerk-three films that could not get any different from another. He probably loved the 2001 reference though...


Maybe Kubrick was fond of this movie because he recognized quality when he saw it. It's one of the best comedies ever made.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


The Jerk is great movie. If Kubrick was to look down his nose at this then I would think less of him.


Doesn't surprise me. Alfred Hitchcock was a fan of Smokey and the Bandit. It shows you that two of the greatest directors ever weren't pretentious when it came to the films that they enjoyed.


I heard Kubrick was a big fan of the TV show "The Simpsons". Him liking "The Jerk" doesn't sound too surprising.


by Billy1210 » Sat Nov 28 2009 20:14:46 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since April 2005
I thought I had read somewhere that this was one of Kubrick's favorite movies. Pretty odd given his body of work. But he did have a taste for the surreal. I know that Eraserhead was also one of his favorites. It's
not near as funny as The Jerk, though.

No kiddin' huh? Oh that's funny.
