I was turned away when I tried to see this in 1979
Since 1977, when I was an impressionable teen, I adored Steve Martin- I first saw him on Johnny Carson. In 1979, I was 15 and eagerly awaiting his first full-length movie-The Jerk.
My then 21 year old sister took me to see the movie. When we got to the ticket counter, the horrid looking, pimply faced lady selling tickets refused to sell us tickets to the movie because, at 15, I must not have looked old enough to get into an R rated movie.
My sister explained that she was 21 and my older sister and it was OK. The lady insisted that my sister produce documentation that she was my legal guardian, or come back with a parent, or no tickets.
We went away with me very disappoionted! That was the only time I had any trouble getting into an R rated movie with during that era! Me and my sister had even gone to see Rocky Horror Picture Show around the same time, for crying out loud!
I guess I'm still angry about it! LOL! Of course, I eventually saw the movie and now, I really don't know what all the fuss was about or why it was rated R.