I think .... just my opinion that none of us live our lives in this way ... we come to a final realization about something ... most people follow their guts or make decisions for economic or social gain, and then sugar coat it with romantic love ideas. What made this movie so special to me is that this laid bare all of that stuff, it exposed that we all can be really crazy, obsessive, self-destructive, dangerous or just fools ... and still be nice productive human being just trying to get along in life. Love is not what we think it is. We well know even from literary expositions that it does not last, and it changes its nature ... if we are lucky, but we never merge with another person the way we see in movies and TV. I like anything that subverts the standard idiotic way we are trained to look at things ... at some point the human race has to grow up, and this is a good movie for that metaphor.