Was anybody else here as distubed as me at the sight of Season Hubley naked? She looked anorectic! You could count every rib! And I don't think I've ever seen such a flat-chested woman. Don't get me wrong, I think that small perky ones can be cute, but she had absolutley nothing!
I first met Season Hubley playing Angelique Voynitzheva Marick in the All My Children soap opera. So any role where she's not a feeble, rich, middle aged woman is amazing to me. Her face is really the only thing that's consistent across every character I've seen her play.
That said, both her and Ilah Davis naked bodies we kind of disturbing. I felt pity for them. I wondered what kinds of men think undernourished, sickly women are sexy? Someone has to buy stag films or pay for Nikki's services.
No two persons ever watch the same movie.