The 50 mph club ...

From 'Trivia" :

"Sean Connery spent several days running on top of a moving train. The train was supposed to be traveling at 35mph; Connery argued it was going faster. The train driver was counting telegraph poles to measure the speed. A helicopter pilot confirmed Connery's suspicion - the train was traveling at over 55mph.

Well, if you listen closely to the conversation between the unexpected train passenger/acquaintance of Pierce/Connerys and Miriam/Lesley-Anne Down you would have heard the following:

"Have you not heard of the 50 mph club ? I'm told its beneficial to the circulation ..."

What was Pierces problem ? Bond would have been a charter member !!


Great scene. That guy had a naughty laugh when he said the 50 mph club line. That was hilarious.


The old train didn't have a speedometer. They never bothered to tell the director until he started investigating.


Connery was a legend for doing those stunts. This was a time when they couldn't digitally erase safety wires afterwards.
