So's actually kinda good
"Cuba," a movie I hadn't heard of before. When I saw the stars in the cable tv listing, I thought "wow!": look at all these actors. This is gonna be pretty good !
After it was over, I was stunned at how really bad this movie was. How could Sean Connery, Martin Balsam, Brooke Adams and the rest sign on to this turkey !
Then I read a little IMDb info about it and that explained it. According to one post, the script wasn't completed when they started shooting in Spain. The scene in the cafe after Sean and Brooke make love was so awkward it looked ad-libbed. And badly, at that. When she starts throwing plates, Sean begs her to stop...(ruining the scene ?)
The battle scenes are fact the whole movie is, unintentionally...but still, the scenes with Sean speaking and the close-ups of Brooke kept me from turning it off. And I suppose it was also "trainwreck syndrome" : I couldn't avert my eyes from the impending crash, especially when Sean and Jack Weston get into the tank ! Obviously, the screenplay tries to tie in all of these different threads at the end of movie but the ending looked "rushed" with no real resolution. (Now I know that movies are rarely shot in sequence, but if the script wasn't completed when they started shooting...?) It looked "rushed" as in the cast wanting to flee from the set...they'd had quite enough of "Cuba" !
There are other movies with great stars that they wish their names weren't associated with. Films like "Anzio" with Robert Mitchum, "McBain" with Christopher Walken, "Invasion USA" with Chuck Norris, "Desire Under The Elms" with Sophia Loren and "The Chalice" with Paul Newman. All of these movies are so bad...that they're actually fun to watch. That is...after chugging a bottle of cheap wine.