Glynnis O'conner was HOT,HOT,HOT!!!!
i had the biggest dirty lil' crush on 'Glynnis O'conner' when this lil' beach flick came out,ide already drooled over her in the likes of 'ode to billy joe','baby blue marine','jeremy' and 'the boy in the plastic bubble'.
in this flick she spends half the movie in a skimpy 'boobs and butt' revealing bikini and part of the flick naked.....dear god this gal was delicious,she was what i thought a typical california surfer girl might look like.
also in this film are the oh so fine,'Tanya Roberts' and 'Stacy Nelkin',both scampering around in tiny tight bikinis.
this flick is well worth watching for the bikini goddess 'Glynnis' alone,to speak nothing of the fineness of 'Tanya' and 'Stacy'.