The version of this movie currently showing on cable has an altered soundtrack. California Dreamin' performed by the outstanding 1970s band America has been replaced with some dreadful substitute. I'm not sure what other changes where made. Does anyone know what other changes were made?
I found a vcr copy on ebay. Hadn't seen the flick in 20 years but now that you mention it - it has been altered. Bummer. I'm gonna' check around for the original soundtrack though. See ya' !
The song "California Dreaming" only appeared in the theatrical release. I first saw repeats of the movie on cable in 1980, and it was gone then. In the original, the title song is heard as part of the soundtrack to the surfing documentary the characters are watching in a theater. In all subsequent TV and video versions it has been replaced by a song that is also heard at the beginning of the film -- "Come On, Get Ready" or something like that. Apparently, the producers couldn't acquire (or afford) the rights to "Calif Dreaming" for video and cable release. For someone like me, who saw the movie when it came out, this is a very noticeable and disappointing difference.
I saw this film on TV back in 1983 or 1984 and the TV station had a 16mm theatrical print as the song "California Dreamin'" was in fact intact. As a film collector I was able to locate a theatrical print of this film and had it for many years. The TV and video version also have some of the nudity cut from it. FWIW I will be going to hear America in Concert on 11/15/04!
Come on, Get Ready was played in the opening scenes when it came out on HBO in 1980. I believe that California Dreaming song was played when they showed the HBO previews of it.
The song "California Dreaming" was critical to the scenes in which it was used. At the beginning of the film, and at the end in the rain, and also when they are watching the surf documentary. I saw this film around 1979 on HBO and it was the original. Later I rented it in the 80's on VHS and it had been changed. Too bad. They ruined a great film. I still watch the edited version and enjoy it, but...I wish the film could be released as it was intended to be seen.
I spoke to both Orion Pictures and Vestron Video when the film was released on video back in the early 80's. The song 'California Dreamin' did not have clearance from John Phillips and Michelle Phillips at the time. I also met the guys from America (Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell) a decade or so later and they weren't even aware of the changes!
Hopefully, when the film does see the light of DVD day, these clearance problems will have been 'cleared' up.
Incidently, the song 'Come On, Get Ready' was always in the beginning of the film, over the opening credits. The song 'California Dreamin'' originally appeared twice in the film: during the surfing documentary the kids are watching in the theatre, and over the end credits. Great tune, great soundtrack.
I have several vinyl copies of the soundtrack for sale if any one is interested, or I can do a cdr transfer as well.
I am interested in purchasing a CDR transfer of the vinyl copy of the Soundtrack.
This is one of my favorite movies of all times. I just located a second copy of the VHS. I do remember when HBO would ply the movie - and the earlier versions played the version by "America."
You mentioned that the cable version of this movie already had the California Dreaming song cut from picture. However, I taped it off HBO back around 1985, and that song by America is in the picture. It is NOT in the VHS release, but it was in the cable release... To be sure, I pulled out the old tape I have and watched the scene, and while they are watching the documentary, it's there....
Yeah I remember the songs being there in the 1980 HBO release back in the day. I never saw it on video so I knew nothing about the replaced songs until I saw this thread.
It's playing on This TV right now and California Dreaming played during the movie theater scene. It was not the Mamas and the Papas version I know though.
I really hope its DVD or soundtrack can be released. I love every song in this movie... "Caifornia dreaming", "Come on & get ready", "Pass you by", "Forever", "Among the yesterdays", "I'm in love with you"
It's streaming on Netflix, California Dreaming plays in the movie theater scene (it's not sung by The Mama's and Papa's, though) but not over the opening credits.
That's the way I remember it from when I saw it in the theater in 1979. The only time the song California Dreaming played was during the surfing movie. It was a version by America, not the Mamas and the Papas original.