Music Question

Does anyone know the piece of music played when the Cutters win the Little 500? It sounds classical. I listened to the soundtrack songs listed on IMDb but it's not included.

Last night at the dance, my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear.


This website should answer your question. It's all about the movie.


Hi - I think you forgot to include the link. Thanks!

Last night at the dance, my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear.


Here's my tribute page with all the music... but that's the ONE that I don't have.

96m00s Celebratory unidentified instrumental when Dave wins one for the Cutters.


Great site, Scott.

"Walked five miles to school and back, uphill both ways. No, really, I have pictures." MC Escher


Probably Mendelshon, like the rest of it-

I always though the music was Italian, until recently- but it's all written by an Englishman.
