Just kidding. Just an early criticism of MGM if they don't do anything with the 30th anniversery of truly one of the greatest and most underrated American films of all time.

As far as children's films go, this film is worthy of being compared to the Wizard of Oz. One of the reasons why it is so good, imho, is that the director never thought children would have a difficult time with artistic emphasis. In other words, he never looked down at children like a lot of other movies do. It raises the bar as filmmaking is concerned.

It's a sin to see this movie on a small tv. It is worthy of a theatrical rerelease. Ok, so it wasn't a money maker when it was first released. Neither were a lot of other films when they were first introduced. Bring this movie back to the big screen.

My 2 cents



seriously it is one of the best movies in history. the visuals are fantstic, music fits perfectly, I love all the island scenes. Cas was just gorgeous. Kelly was the perfect kid. (too bad he couldnt answer some of these questions people wanna know, he's off driving rigs cross country)

Best damn horse movie ever.

nothing compares.

Faithful fan and friend of Big Red and Raphael
